Safeguarding Supervision
Safeguarding supervision is the provision of professional support and learning which enables practitioners (in this case the DSL and their teams) to develop knowledge and competence.

We Make The Difference
There is a need for DSLs in schools, colleges and training providers to be provided with support and guidance specifically around their safeguarding role, separate from management supervision, sadly, in many organisations this is not always taking place. Staff with specific responsibility and leadership in safeguarding children and young people can be at risk of feeling isolated, particularly when first in the role. In response to this need, CA Consultancy Service Ltd has been created to support the important work of DSLs.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 states: The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead carries a significant level of responsibility, and they should be given the additional time, funding, training, resources and support they need to carry out the role effectively.
Safeguarding supervision is the provision of professional support and learning which enables practitioners (in this case the DSL and their teams) to develop knowledge and competence. It facilitates the practitioner to be able to take responsibility for their own practice and respond to the needs and risks presented by children and young people. Safeguarding supervision is separate from line management supervision.
The purpose of Safeguarding Supervision for DSLs is to:
- review workloads, if needed;
- discuss and seek guidance on specific cases;
- provide an opportunity where a member of staff can be challenged supportively and constructively within mutually agreed and accepted boundaries by a professional experienced in safeguarding children;
- allow for issues relating to the workplace and to working practices to be identified and discussed;
- identification of achievements;
- provide support with emotional well-being and resilience.
For it to be effective, supervision is ideally provided by a professional independent of the school or college.
As an experienced Senior DSL and Mental Health lead with Supervision training and experience that is provided with a personal and professional approach. CA Consultancy will get to know the organisation and individual, and you can be assured of a committed, reliable service to enhance and support the Safeguarding offer at your organisation.
An Individual or Group supervision session can be combined with wellbeing including relaxation, breathing techniques and self-massage.
Indian Head Massage provided after Supervision or at regular intervals between supervision will bring about complete relaxation.
For Safeguarding teams
Supervision is a supportive, reflective, and powerful process to ensure your well-being and support your professional development. Delivered in a caring, nurturing way using Kolb’s reflective cycle to explore safeguarding practice that then influences the responses and outcomes for children and young people. As a Senior DSL for over 7 years in Further Education, I appreciate the work pressures, and responsibilities and genuinely want to support you to keep doing great work for the benefit of pupils and students
For Principals, Head Teachers, Governors, and Managers
Safeguarding is the most important aspect of working in education that allows each child or young person to engage with education, attend, achieve, and succeed. Safeguarding is constantly evolving for families, children and young people and has a huge impact on their lives. Recognising and supporting safeguarding concerns is critical and the staff that performs this service need effective support. Supervision is a very powerful tool to provide you with the assurance that your DSL and Safeguarding teams are working effectively, and appropriately, whilst having support for their well-being and retaining staff in a very challenging role.
Supervision can be combined with relaxation and well-being sessions or these can be offered separately.
Our 3 Step Process
1. Discussion
Following the completion of the contact form, an informal discussion will identify the requirements and create a plan of Supervision including the staff to be involved, frequency, and location. Take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions for more details about these aspects of Supervision.
2. Supervision Sessions
Undertaken at an agreed time and location that is quiet and without interruptions.
- discuss and seek guidance on specific cases;
- provide an opportunity where a member of staff can be challenged supportively and constructively within mutually agreed and accepted boundaries by a professional experienced in safeguarding children;
- allow for issues relating to the workplace and to working practices to be identified and discussed;
- identification of achievements;
- provide support with emotional well-being and resilience.
For it to be effective, supervision is provided by a professional independent of the school or college.
3. Records, Actions and Updates
A mutually agreed record of the Supervision session identifies the key actions and followed up at the next session.
Frequency of Supervision
Supervision is ideally undertaken every three months for both Individuals and a Team. Regular Supervision allows the development of a supportive relationship and supports the well-being of the practitioner. CA Consultancy is available between planned Supervision sessions for ongoing support as required, please ask for further details.

Peace of mind
It is important that safeguarding supervision is provided to you as the DSL. If as a DSL you are not receiving safeguarding supervision at the required frequency during the year you should:
- Raise the issue with your Head Teacher/Principal/Line Manager
- Safeguarding supervision will be undertaken at least once per term or sooner if requested and will be for a minimum of 1 hour for an individual and 1.5 hours for a group
- Every effort will be made for supervision to take place in an uninterrupted environment.
- Each party in the agreement has the responsibility to notify the other in the event of cancellation or postponement.
- If at any time the Supervisor or the Supervisee is unhappy about an issue that cannot be resolved, the Line Manager will be consulted with the agreement of both parties.
- Supervisors will respect the confidentiality of the Supervisee in all areas except Child Protection concerns, if this occurs, it will be referred.
- Notes and agreed actions will be recorded, signed, shared, and kept securely electronically.
Learn more about our experience, how we work, and our safeguarding strategy
Please look at the various sections of the website, play the video and complete the contact form to start the conversation about how we can work together.

CA Consultancy
CA Consultancy Service is the only Supervision service in Shropshire for Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools, colleges, and training organisations.
Wellington, Telford, Shropshire.
07811 843247