Safeguarding and Well-being Audit and Review

An external review of your current safeguarding policy, procedure, and processes.

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We Make The Difference

An external review of your current safeguarding policy, procedure, and processes can provide reassurance regarding compliance with Child Protection and Keeping Children Safe in Education.

As a new organisation or one that is developing its service and provision, guidance with staffing, policies, procedures and external links will be invaluable. A full-service review and strategy development is available.

Areas for audit/review:

  • Site/Campus Risk Assessments
  • Safeguarding policy and procedure
  • Safeguarding communication with service users
  • User feedback regarding the awareness and effectiveness of safeguarding
  • Mental Health policy and provision
  • Training provision
  • Single Central Record and safer recruitment
  • Prevent Policy
  • Lockdown Procedures
  • Search and Confiscation policy and procedures
  • Bespoke Training for Safeguarding and Well-being
  • Support with Trips and Visits Safeguarding consideration

Our 3 Step Process

1. Discussion

After completing the contact form we will have an initial discussion to identify your requirements and agree on the service to be provided.

2. Audit/Review process

On-site visit with identified staff, students, and service users as agreed in the plan. A review of policy, procedure, and process as on-site and/or desk-based activity resulting in a report promptly. The report will identify good practices and areas for improvement as appropriate. Any recommendations can be supplied by CA Consultancy after further discussion and agreement.

3. Continuous Improvement

There are many changes to requirements in Safeguarding which organisations need to be aware of and reflect within their practice. CA Consultancy will ensure you are up to date with either termly or annual reviews.

Termly Review

Regular reviews of Safeguarding Practice ensures you are up to date and meet compliance.

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Peace of Mind

A dedicated service for your organisation, delivered professionally and timely using industry knowledge and experience with a human touch.


"The trainer was very knowledgeable and encouraged discussion of our experiences throughout. I really enjoy the use of break out rooms to work in small groups."

Safeguarding Lead Training feedback

"Catherine was excellent!! Very knowledgeable and engaging. A lovely group of people attending and I wish them all the best."

Safeguarding Lead Training feedback

"This training was well delivered and I really got the knowledge I want, thanks to the trainer. Catherine did a wonderful job and the resource were really helpful."

Safeguarding Lead Training feedback

"Nice small group - enjoyed the break out exercises and some use of short videos. Catherine definitely knows her stuff and hats off to her, for all her years of experience and the ability and commitment to turn that into educating other professionals."

Safeguarding Lead Training feedback

"The Supervision case you selected was excellent and I have received some really positive feedback following the session yesterday."

Safeguarding Supervision feedback

"Thank you for holding the group in the way you did yesterday, I feel it has been a huge eye-opener to some and a really positive experience."

Safeguarding Supervision feedback

"Thank you too for your support of our DSL. He is finding it valuable. We all found the sessions useful thank you and it is something we would like to continue."

Safeguarding Supervision feedback

"Although safeguarding for me is updated yearly, it is a lot of reading and answering questions. So this session was useful in that it was interactive, there were different views and a different way of learning and retaining information – which I feel is best for me I think everything was clearly outlined at the start and throughout the session and there was plenty opportunities to provide feedback and ask questions."

Safeguarding Supervision feedback

Learn more about our experience, how we work, and our safeguarding strategy

Please look at the various sections of the website, play the video and complete the contact form to start the conversation about how we can work together.

CA Consultancy

CA Consultancy Service is the only Supervision service in Shropshire for Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools, colleges, and training organisations.

Wellington, Telford, Shropshire.

07811 843247